Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Shed - by Holly

This 4th of July weekend we are vacationing (ha) in our own backyard... building a shed. It's been a long couple of days and we still have more work ahead of us. Originally we thought some folks would come by to help but that didn't happen so it was just me and Colin (and a second ladder from our neighbor Chris!). Surprisingly it has gone well, just really slow and really hot.

Step 1: Choose a spot

Step 2: Receive delivery (2-3 hrs late)

Step 3: Build base

Step 4: Local food (Bull City Burger) and "shopping" (Durham's oldest hardware store)

Step 5: Lay skids

Step 6: Conquer floor

Step 7: Build walls and call it a day because you've been working for 12 hours

Step 8: Wash off dirt tan

Step 9: (the next day) Attach walls

Step 10: Assemble and attach rafters

Step 11: Lay roof

Step 12: Get some perspective on the first thing you've ever built--wow, it IS a shed!

Step 13: Attach doors, apply roofing felt and call it a day because it's been yet another 12 hour day

We still have to shingle, install the window, install decorative trim and paint (it will match the house--yellow). Finished product coming soon!

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